Multiple Bills generated with no meter reading


Amol · 24-Mar-20

Member ·  7

Supply Type - 10

My Readings were submitted on assumption basis till Dec 19 on an average of 100-150 Units per month. When came back in Jan 20, the actual reading was around 200 units less than the last reading. So it means an advance bill was paid to the discom already for around 200 Units till now.
Now after the reading the bill was generated for me-
Bill 1 - date 15 Jan 2020
Bill Basis - ASS
Meter Reading Remarks - RDF
Start Reading - Blank ( 14- Dec -19)
End reading - Blank ( 15-Jan -20)
Billed Units - 129
Bill Amount - 1084
Arrear - 8.93
Final Amount  - 1092.
Bill 2 - date 24Jan 2020
Bill Basis - OK
Meter Reading Remarks - BR
Start Reading - 7152 ( date 17th Oct 2019)
End reading -  7287 ( date 24th Jan 2020)
Billed Units - 135
Bill Amount - 1820.11
Arrear :- 1893
Final Amount  - (-)74
Bill 3 - date 30 Jan 2020
Bill Basis - OK
Meter Reading Remarks - BR
  Start Reading - 7152 ( date 17th Oct 2019)
End reading -  7287 ( date 25th Jan 2020
Billed Units - 135
Bill Amount - 3711
Arrear :- (-)1893.88
Final Amount  - 1801.00

Can you please help me what should I do to fix this additional charge of 1800 , which I dont know why is added to the bill. I have already raised complaints with MVVNL website but till now nothing has happened and this amount keeps on adding to the bill.


nishant · 26-Mar-20

Administrator ·  223

based on your information. your first bill was wrong as bill basis is ASS.
officials had revised them on Bill 2 - date 24Jan 2020.
Again they revised it on Bill 3 - date 30 Jan 2020 is bit confusing.
You may share your bill bill 1 and bill 3 to help you.
This url  could be used to upload image and to share direct link.


Amol · 13-Apr-20

Member ·  7

Thanks Nishant.
Attaching the three bills here:
Now there has been lot of pending bills for me. Should I pay part amount or not?
I have also raised complaint via UPPCL website but nobody is responding from 4 months.
What is the other way to raise complaint?


Amol · 13-Apr-20

Member ·  7

Also Got another bill today and it looks provisional.
They are charging monthly bill twice for the same March Month.

This is going on being more confusing


Amol · 16-Apr-20

Member ·  7

Hello Nishant

As the bills have been pending for long- Can I go ahead and pay for the partial amount which seems correct as per reading and wait for response on my complaints?
What do you suggest?


Amol · 16-Apr-20

Member ·  7

Also this is the last bill I paid.
You may want to see the meter reading in this bill which is 7360. which is more than the readings in all the bill till what was raised for April 2020. Is it because of this?
Bill 0 - date 14 Dec 2019
Bill Basis - OK
Meter Reading Remarks - OK
Start Reading - 7271 ( 14- Nov -19)
End reading - 7360 ( 14- Dec -19)
Billed Units - 89
Bill Amount - 861
Arrear - 9.87
Final Amount  - 852.
can you please help


nishant · 16-Apr-20

Administrator ·  223

Amol wrote

Also Got another bill today and it looks provisional.
They are charging monthly bill twice for the same March Month.

This is going on being more confusing

This is a provisional bill which is temporary and based on the previous average consumption. Govt. has ordered to generate provisional bills during lockdown. So, it will be automatically cancelled once actual reading gets punched later. No, need to worry about it.


nishant · 16-Apr-20

Administrator ·  223

I just went through your all bill and it seems that your bill 2 was revised correctly as i have tried to calculate it like this.

check my revision

Now, I wonder and don't know why it was revised again?
So, you should once ask to the concerning officer personally. It might be a mistake to revise it again.
or he may explain you if there is some additional charges like previous cheque dishonor charges, re-connection/disconnection charges or any other charges added to your bill.


Amol · 16-Apr-20

Member ·  7

Thank you very much Nishant for the details.
I tried reaching out to the JE but looks like I have to wait till the lockdown is over.
Have you checked the reading in the Bill 0 and Bill 1?
The reading of Bill 0 is higher than the reading of Bill 6.
Is there a penalty for that somewhere?
And do I need to pay the bill or should wait for the complaint to be  cleared by deptt.?

Thanks in advance


nishant · 17-Apr-20

Administrator ·  223

Yes, you have paid advance unit charges. But, Electricity bill does not includes only unit charges. There are fixed charges, electricity duties and more to pay on monthly basis. These are not penalties. So, I am simply justifying the bill amount -74 till 24 jan. So, you may claim 1893 - (-74)= 1967.
You should pay the amount to avoid any late payment charges. You may claim it later after lockdown. Because this case is bit complicated and you have to make them understand. Online complaints will be closed with remarks "Bill is already revised". Because, they have already revised it.


Amol · 17-Apr-20

Member ·  7

Thank You. I think I will go ahead and pay the amount for now.
What is the best way to raise a complaint as per you? Is there any email ID where I can raise the issue?
I tried 1912- but all of my tickets are closed without responding.