LMV 9 related issue
Please provide detail about how to calculate lmv 9 exceeding demand load, by old tarrif ( before 12 sep 2019)
nishant · 27-Jun-20 · 04:06 AM
Administrator · 223
The concept fixed charges came in existence since current tariff only. So, exceeding demand is also effective since current tariff only.
You can't calculate exceeding demand charges before 12-Sept-19
Jeetu ji ji · 01-Jul-20 · 04:07 PM
Member · 3
But sir, if anyone used 5 kw load on 1 kw TC
Than ?????
Plzzz rply
Jeetu ji ji · 02-Jul-20 · 04:07 PM
Member · 3
The concept fixed charges came in existence since current tariff only. So, exceeding demand is also effective since current tariff only.
You can't calculate exceeding demand charges before 12-Sept-19
..but what then ....anyone use 5kw on 2 kw sanction
nishant · 03-Jul-20 · 08:07 PM
Administrator · 223
I didn't find the exact order explaining such situation and officers may uses thier own explanation about it and it differs place to place. So, it is always better to follow the same pattern whatsoever is being used previously.
In such cases, we need to disconnect them and serve notices to enhance the load. If consumer failed to do so, it may be treated as unauthorized use of electricity and bill may be raised 2 times of the normal rate for such UUE.
and if we haven't serve them notice. we should simply provide them a bill with the consideration of 5KW connection and disconnect them immediately.
skmvj282507 · 11-Jul-20 · 09:07 AM
Member · 1
How to generate bill for lmv 9 category plz explain in detail
Jeetu ji ji · 13-Jul-20 · 02:07 PM
Member · 3
I didn't find the exact order explaining such situation and officers may uses thier own explanation about it and it differs place to place. So, it is always better to follow the same pattern whatsoever is being used previously.
In such cases, we need to disconnect them and serve notices to enhance the load. If consumer failed to do so, it may be treated as unauthorized use of electricity and bill may be raised 2 times of the normal rate for such UUE.
and if we haven't serve them notice. we should simply provide them a bill with the consideration of 5KW connection and disconnect them immediately.
Thanx sir, for such a precious advise
Plz resolved one more quary about lmv 9 --
is pdc fee apply on temporary connection or not?????
Jitendra khandelwal · 26-Jun-20 · 02:06 PM
Member · 1