"Not a valid account number" on UPCL official website
Uppcl website uppcl.mpower.in/wss says that your account number is invalid at the time of registration for online bill payment system while my details are open in the load extension section of same website it means my account number is correct. Please resolve my problem at the earliest.
Account number is 7824945000.
Avneesh Kumar Bharti · 21-Nov-20 · 03:11 PM
Member · 2
Please help.
nishant · 22-Nov-20 · 09:11 AM
Administrator · 223
UPPCL is having two different portals depending upon the area.
- Urban - uppclonline.com : Account number is a 10 digit number
- Rural - uppcl.mpower.in: Account number is a 12 digit number
As your account number is a 10 digit number, you are an urban consumer and your details could be found at uppclonline.com.
Please try there.
Avneesh Kumar Bharti · 19-Nov-20 · 04:11 PM
Member · 2