Regarding kvah bill revision page


rajatr33 · 06-Dec-20

Member ·  16

Sir in your web page there is not any option to calculate kvah bill because when i select supply type 22 they only ask to feed kwh reading not kvah and kw reading


nishant · 14-Dec-20

Administrator ·  218

Thank you for asking.

Actually, Supply type 22 depends on KVAH, So you should enter KVAH read in reading fields.
KWH is having no role. So, we have not provided two fields to save our time of typing.

So, continue with KVAH read. you will get the result


rajatr33 · 14-Dec-20

Member ·  16

Thanks u so much for guidance

Last edited by rajatr33 (14 December 2020 14:19)