How to find Bill Revision pending cases of OTS in Non-RAPDRP System?


nishant · 05-Feb-19

Administrator ·  218

We all know it very well that providing Correct Bill in OTS (or Say Surcharge Samadhan Yojna) is very important. We can get the list of pending Bill Revision consumers from Non-RAPDRP system by the following steps. This will help us to do the fast bill revision without consumer's approach.

  • Go to Billing Section.
  • Go to Report
  • Fill Division Name, Date and Report Type as XLS
  • Find CC26 Revision Report/Surcharge Samadhan Yojna
  • Select Status as OTS
  • By clicking CC26 Revision Report/Surcharge Samadhan Yojna, Excel will be downloaded
  • Now, Filter BILL REVISION as REQUIRED and OTS APPROVED BY as Blank or -

You may follow the following video for complete demo