7th Amendment - Provision of Trust Billing
उत्तर प्रदेश विद्युत नियामक आयोग द्वारा 27-मई-2016 को इलेक्ट्रिसिटी सप्लाइ कोड-2005 मे सातवाँ संसोधन किया गया| इसके अंतर्गत उपभोक्ताओं के सुविधा हेतु ट्रस्ट बिलिंग की व्यवस्था बनाए गए है| ट्रस्ट बिलिंग की मोनिट्रिंग हेतु दिशा निर्देश दिये गए हैं | Independent feeder, High Tension एवं Extra High Tension की परिभाषा मे आंशिक परिवर्तन किया गया है|
The clause no. 3.2 (ii)(b) shall be amended as follows:
Existing | Amended |
(ii) High Tension | (ii) High Tension |
The clause no. 3.2 (iii)shall be amended as follows:
Existing | Amended |
(iii) Extra High Tension | (iii) Extra High Tension |
The clause no. 2.2 (ff) shall be amended as follows:
Existing | Amended |
3(1)[“Independent feeder” in case of 11 KV supply voltage shall mean a feeder emanating from 33 KV or higher voltage substation, and in case of 33 KV supply voltage shall mean a feeder emanating from 132 KV or higher voltage substation, for supplying electricity to a single consumer, or a group of consumers having similar process, on the same or contiguous premises.] | 3(1)[“Independent feeder” in case of 11 KV supply voltage shall mean a feeder emanating from 33 KV or higher voltage substation, and in case of 33 KV supply voltage shall mean a feeder emanating from 33 KV or 132 KV or higher voltage substation, for supplying electricity to a single consumer, or a group of consumers having similar process, on the same or contiguous premises.] |
Addition of clause 6.1(n)
“It shall be mandatory for each consumer to get its Mobile Number/E-mail Address/Aadhar Card Number registered within six months of the Gazette Notification.
Addition of clause 6.1(o)
“The licensee shall provide soft copy of the MRI, of the consumer meter / Double Pole Meter / Check Meter installed inside / outside the consumer premises, to the consumer on the registered E-mail address on payment of Rs. 100/meter. The licensee shall provide hard copy of the MRI, of the consumer meter / Double Pole Meter / Check Meter installed inside / outside the consumer premises, to the consumer on its registered address on payment of Rs. 500/meter.”
Addition of clause 6.1(p)
“The licensee shall specify total supply availability time on the bills of the consumers where billing is done through automatic meter reading.”
Renaming of proviso under 6.6 Self Assessed Bill as 6.6 (i)
“6.6(i) Self Assessed Bill:
In case of non-receipt of bill the consumer shall deposit self assessed bill in the format prescribed by the licensee for the period for which bill has not been received provided that it is not less than the average consumption of the last six months. The Licensee shall not levy any late payment surcharge in the next bill if consumer’s claim of non receipt of bill is correct. The payment so made by the consumer shall be adjusted in the next bill.”
Addition of additional provisos under clause 6.6 as 6.6(ii)
6.6 (ii) Trust Billing
Consumers, in all towns, where on line billing facility is available, can opt for submission of their meter reading to the licensee through e-mail and SMS. The option once given can be changed only after 06 months or more. The consumers opting for this facility will get their e-mail address/mobile no. registered with the licensee on the designated website or through SMS on the specified number. The urban consumers can submit their meter reading every month, whereas the rural consumers can submit their readings bimonthly. The licensee shall integrate the information submitted by the consumers in its billing system in such a way that after maximum of three days of the
submission of meter reading the consumer is able to extract his bill from the web site or the licensee sends the bill through SMS to the consumer. Such consumers will not be provided with a hard copy of the bill unless requested by the consumer.
In case of submission of meter reading on line or through SMS or on spot billing counter the onus of submission of correct meter reading would lie on the consumers. If a consumer submits a lower reading than what exists in the meter with intent to reduce the amount of electricity bill, such suppression of meter reading shall amount to an unauthorized use of electricity. In such a case the unauthorized storage of reading shall be treated as unauthorized act and the licensee shall charge the consumer for the stored reading at one and half times the highest energy charge applicable on the consumer. In case a consumer has neither been billed by the licensee in the routine course and nor the consumer has submitted his/her reading for some billing cycles, the licensee shall inspect the premises of the consumer and work out the number of units consumed after the last meter reading. The licensee will compute the monthly consumption on the basis of LHFD formula as mentioned in Annexure 6.3 of the Electricity Supply Code 2005 (including amendments thereof) for the months for which the bill is pending and will raise the bill for such units at normal tariff. The excess units beyond the units billed on the basis of LHFD formula shall be treated as stored units and shall be billed as stated earlier in this paragraph.
The consumers who opt for trust billing shall be flagged in the data base of the central server and will be excluded from the hand held billing data in order to save the billing and meter reading cost and reduce the quantum of billing work of the licensee. However the licensee shall arrange for checking of meter reading at least once in six months of the meters of consumers who have opted for trust billing.
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nishant · 03-Mar-19 · 09:03 PM
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