6th Amendment - Application Form For Requisition Of Supply Of Energy


nishant · 05-Mar-19

Administrator ·  222

उत्तर प्रदेश विद्युत नियामक आयोग ने 16-जून-2015 को इलेक्ट्रिसिटी सप्लाई कोड-2005 में छठा संसोधन किया है|  इस संसोधन में 50 KW से अधिक भार के औद्योगिक विधा के नए संयोजन के संलगनक में मामूली परिवर्तन किया है|  नए संयोजन हेतु संलग्नक 4.1 में आवेदन का प्रारूप है, जिसमे निम्नलिखित परिवर्तन किया गया है -

Download 6th amendment of Electricity Supply Code- 2005 from the link given below -




Annexure-4.1 Sub clause - 17

(i) Registration No. from Deptt. Of Industries U.P. Govt. (Copy to be enclosed)
(ii) No objection certification from Pollution Control Board (Copy to be enclosed.)

The name and address of the person authorized to sign the documents /forms/papers etc. for electricity connection

Annexure-4.1 Enclosures Point No. 1

Work Completion Certificate and Test Report (B & L form)

1. Work completion certificate and Test Report (B & L form) in respect of Factory / Industry / Premises / Establishment / House, where supply is desired, indicating tentative position of meter.

Annexure-4.1 Enclosures Point No. 2

Documentary evidence in support of lawful occupation of the premises. If the applicant is not the owner of the premises, indemnity bond as specified by the Licensee shall be enclosed.

Documentary evidence in support of lawful occupation of the premises. If such documentary evidence is not available then the applicant shall provide indemnity bond as specified by the licensee.

Annexure-4.1 Enclosures Point No. 3,4 and 5

3. Factory / Industry / Premises / Establishment / House map, where supply is desired, indicating tentative position of the meter box.
4. Receipt for payment, if cash / cheque / draft.
5. In case of industry resolution of the Board of directors for authorising a person to sign the document on behalf of the company.

requirement of documents under Point no. 3, 4 & 5 is omitted.

Check out the complete Electricity Supply Code-2005