13th amendment - Multi-point connection to the apartments.
मल्टीस्टोरी बिल्डिंग अथवा अपार्टमेंट को विभाग द्वारा एकल बिंदु संयोजन निर्गत किये जाते थे| इस प्रावधान के अनुसार विकासकर्ता द्वारा सिंगल पॉइंट पर आवेदन कर संयोजन लिया जाता था| उपभोक्ता विभाग से संयोजन नहीं प्राप्त कर सकते थे| उपभोक्ताओं को संयोजन विकासकर्ता से लेना होता था| कई बार ऐसी शिकायते आती रही है कि बिल्डर मनमानी बिजली बिल वसूल करते हैं| उपभोक्ताओं की मज़बूरी थी कि वो बिल्डर पर निर्भर रहे| बिल्डर के मनमानी की शिकायत कई बार विभाग, नियामक आयोग एवं सरकार को मिलते थे| इसी मनमानी को रोकने के लिए उत्तर प्रदेश विद्युत नियामक आयोग ने दिनांक 10-अगस्त-2018 को इलेक्ट्रिसिटी सप्लाई कोड - 2005 में तेरहवाँ संशोधन जारी किया है| अब मल्टिस्टोरी बिल्डिंग/अपार्टमेंट में रहने वाले उपभोक्ता भी सीधे बिजली विभाग से संयोजन प्राप्त कर सकेंगे और बिजली का बिल भी सीधे विभाग में जमा कर सकेंगे|
इस संशोधन में उपभोक्ताओं तक नोटिस पहुंचाने के माध्यम में भी महत्वपूर्ण आदेश निर्गत किये गए हैं| अब ईमेल एवं व्हाट्सप्प पर PDF फॉर्मेट में नोटिस निर्गत किया जा सकेगा| परन्तु इसके प्रमाण रिकॉर्ड में रखने होंगे|
Download 13th amendment of Electricity Supply Code- 2005 from the link given below -
In the said Code, in clause 4.9 shall be substituted as follows:
Part A: New Electricity Connection in the Multi-story Buildings / Multiplex / Marriage Halls / Colonies to be developed by Development Authorities and / or Private Builders / Promoters / Colonizers / Institutions / Individual applicants. (Approved by Licensed Electrical Inspectors)
- a. All new connections domestic/ non-domestic Multistoried Buildings / Multiplex / Marriage Halls / Cooperative Group Housing Societies / Colonies shall be released only on multiple points for the supply of power to individual owners/occupants from the licensee.
- b. The role of a developer/development authority shall be limited to the development of electrical the infrastructure necessary to make available electricity supply to individual connections from the system of the distribution licensee. Accordingly, in the initial phase, the developer/development authority shall seek a temporary connection from the licensee for developing the electrical infrastructure. Once, the electrical infrastructure is developed, the developer shall hand over the same including bus bar and the central equipment to the licensee, which shall remain under the control of the licensee. Upon successful completion and handing over the electrical infrastructure to the licensee, all occupiers/consumers shall apply to the licensee for individual connections, whereas, the developer/RWA shall apply for separate connection(s) for common facilities.
Explanation - for the purposes of this sub-section "electrical infrastructure" means -- Entire infrastructure required for distribution network from the licensee's substation (220/132/33 KV or 33/11 KV or 11/0.4 KV), up to the connection outlets in individuals owner's premises, which is to be developed at his own cost, or by depositing fixed amount as per Cost data book, with the Licensee. This shall include the cost of dedicated feeder also if required.
Provided that, if the developer/development authority chooses to construct the system on its own, the material used shall be as per specification/GTP approved by the licensee. - Well ventilated Metering room of proper size for housing the licensee’s meters preferably near the entrance within the property limits. Ideally, it should be accessible from outside without entering the complex.
- Safe housing and sealing of the bulk supply meter / sub-meters, and/or individual meters; and lay the underground/overhead internal cabling in trenches/ducts to each individual premise in the complex /colony.
- Entire infrastructure required for distribution network from the licensee's substation (220/132/33 KV or 33/11 KV or 11/0.4 KV), up to the connection outlets in individuals owner's premises, which is to be developed at his own cost, or by depositing fixed amount as per Cost data book, with the Licensee. This shall include the cost of dedicated feeder also if required.
- c. For seeking temporary connection, as provided above, the Authority / Promoter / Builder / Colonizer shall apply in the prescribed form along with prescribed charges, as provided in the cost data book, to the designated officer of the Licensee for construction of the building/colony on per KW/KVA basis. The release of a load for temporary connection shall be metered, and the load shall be as per requirement subject to a maximum of 15% of the total estimated load required (hereinafter referred to as the “deemed load).
- d. Along with the application, the following will also be submitted -
- a copy of the plan/map of the building/colony duly showing the constructed area of the entire building/colony, approved by the concerned Development Authority / Mahapalika / Nagarpalika /Gram Panchayat, or certified by registered Architect, and signed by the applicant. In case of non-submission of approval by the relevant authority / Government bodies / registered architect, the supply shall be given conditionally on receipt of an undertaking from the applicant taking full responsibility that in the event of demolition, or objections from such authority, the supply shall be permanently disconnected by the licensee.
- Submit the detailed electrification plan for multiple point supply with the provision of the bus bar and reference meter at a point, which can be easily accessed by the licensee. The plan shall be approved by the licensee.
- An agreement affirming consent to maintain the lines and transformer provided in the layout till satisfactory completion of works.
- Submit undertaking that only after completion of works to the satisfaction of licensee, he shall hand over the entire Distribution System along with the transformer(s) to the Distribution Licensee, without claiming any payment or refund of any charges.
- Submission of No- dues certificate, and applicable charges specified by the licensee and approved by. the Commission.
- e. The deemed load shall be calculated as per procedure and norms specified in Annexure 4.6 for determination of load in case of multi-storied building/colonies. This deemed load shall form the basis of estimate.
- f. The Development Authority / Promoter / Builder / Colonizer shall bear the estimated cost of the distribution system (including the cost of the distribution system (including the cost of transformer and/or Sub-Station, wherever required) as per clause 4.6(d), on the basis of deemed load in the following manner:
Load up to 50 KW (56 KVA): -
The L.T. existing mains shall be strengthened.- Above 50 KW and up to 3600 KW (4000 KVA): 11 KV existing feeders shall be extended if spare capacity is available, otherwise
11 KV feeder shall be constructed from the nearest 33 KV or 132 KV sub-station (if 11 KV voltage is available at 33 KV or 132 KV sub-station). - Above 3600 KW up to 9000 KW (10,000 KVA): -
33 KV feeder from 132 KV sub-station. - Above 9000 KW (10,000 KVA): - 132 KV feeder from nearest 132 KV or 220 KV Substation.
(Note: 220 KV feeder from nearest 220 KV or 400 KV sub-station if considered essential by the licensee, shall also be permissible to the developers/ colonizer on their request. For 132KV and above, clearances from transmission licensee shall be obtained wherever necessary.)
Provided that the above limits are indicative only, and:- The provisions for supply through independent feeder shall be as per Clause. 3.4
- The Licensee may decide differently the mode of giving supply in individual cases, after due approval of its Superintending Engineer, Chief Engineer or MD depending on voltage levels, to manage the infrastructure expediently keeping in mind the provisions of cl 4.2 .
- Above 50 KW and up to 3600 KW (4000 KVA): 11 KV existing feeders shall be extended if spare capacity is available, otherwise
- g. Authority / Promoter / Builder / Colonizer/ shall make payment for the estimated cost of the above work only. The service connection charges, system loading charges, cost of the meter, security charges etc. shall be borne individually by the applicant inhabitants/occupier at the time of making an application for individual electrical connection. Similarly, the service connection charges, system loading charges, cost of the meter, security charges etc. for the common facility connection shall be borne by the developer/RWA.
- h. The Licensee shall start the work of construction of feeder after receipt of 100% estimated cost. However, if Authority / Promoter / Builder / Colonizer desires to construct the system can do so after depositing with the licensee the supervision charges specified in clause 4.6(e).
- i. The developer/development authority shall continue to be responsible for following even after the handover of the electrical system to the licensee.
- Maintenance of internal wiring & internal network shall be the responsibility of RWA/developer.
- To maintain and replace the transformer, if required.
- To ensure that the Bus Bar, Distribution Boxes & Meter Room are properly insulated and are under the lock & key of the licensee. A log book shall be maintained in the meter room to record the entry and history of seal inspection.
- To provide back-the up power from separate the cable through separate meter. Accordingly, separate bills shall be raised for the backup supply
- j. Provided that individual connection shall be provided to the individual only after the receipt of the application for a new connection from the individual premise owner, as per clause 4.3 of this code. The agreement for individual connections will be signed between individual consumers and the licensee for direct supply of the licensee to the consumers. Similarly, the developer/RWA shall apply for connection of common facilities in accordance with provisions of this code and shall enter into an agreement with the license regarding the connection of common services.
Provided also that Individual connection shall be provided only through smart pre-paid meters, the cost of which shall be borne by the individual owners/ occupiers. The rates of such prepaid smart meters shall be governed by the Cost Data Book. The meter shall be provided by the licensee. At the time of installation of the meter by the Licensee, the individual consumer shall note the initial reading of the new meter. The record of meters shall be taken in the system by the licensee after the change of meter.
Provided further that the licensee shall make effective arrangement for recharge facility online to every consumer.
Provided also that the meter installed by the licensee at the incoming supply of the multi-story building will act as reference meter. The total energy consumption of the electricity recorded at the incoming supply point of the multi-story building as per reference meter shall be compared with the total electricity consumption of all the individual meters installed in the building for each billing cycle. An energy difference of up to 4%, in case of supply up to 11 kV, and up to 5% in case of supply at higher voltages shall be treated as permissible towards transformation and LT losses. In case the difference in energy consumption for any billing cycle works out to be higher than 4% / 5% as in respective cases mentioned above, then the difference of energy beyond permissible loss level shall be calculated in terms of units and the same will be added in the consumption of common services. However, these additional units, in case of residential buildings, shall attract the energy charges as applicable to the highest slab under LMV-1 category. Similarly, the additional units, in case of commercial complex, shall attract energy charges as applicable for the highest slab under applicable LMV category.
Part B : Conversion of Existing Single Point Connection to Multiple Point Connection in the Multistory Buildings/ Multiplex/ Marriage Halls/ Colonies to be developed by the Development Authorities and/or Private Builders/Promoters /Colonizers/institutions /Individual Applicants.
- a) All Multi-storey Buildings /Multiplex/Marriage Halls/ Colonies developed by the Development Authorities and/or Private Builders/ Promoters/Colonizers/ Institutions, having single point connection, shall convert their single point connection into multiple point connection by 31/03/2019. The Commission may extend the date in exceptional circumstances upon request.
- b) The Licensee shall take necessary steps to inspect the existing distribution network from the reference meter to the point of connection to individual consumer such as transformers, busbars, distribution boxes, allied equipment and meters etc. of the building for assessing feasibility of effecting such change within a period of 30 days and issue necessary instruction to the builders/RWA for such change within next 30 days.
- c) The licensee shall direct the RWA/builder to make necessary arrangement for easy access of the building to the Licensee or its authorized representatives for the purpose of any activity related to such change.
- d) The entire cost of such conversion from a single point to multipoint supply shall be borne by the RWA/builder who in turn can recover this cost from the individual residents in proportion to the contracted load allotted to each individual resident. However, the expenditure on the change in the infrastructure shall be vetted by the concerned Executive Engineer.
- e) Upon successful change, the Development Authorities and/or Private Builders /Promoters/Colonizers /Institutions/RWA shall handover the entire distribution system of the building up to the interface point with the licensee & no compensation shall be provided for the redundant material.
- f) In casework of conversion/modification of single point connection is taken up by the distribution licensee on the request of RWA/builder/developer, the money collected from individual consumers against estimate approved by the licensee for effecting the necessary conversion/modification from existing single point to multipoint shall be handed over to licensee, who shall carry out the work at the earliest so as to complete the changeover from single point to multi-point within the timeline specified under the point above.
- g) The developer/RWA shall also make necessary changes in the internal distribution network in such a way that the bus bar, reference meter, and other associated system is easily accessible to the licensee and the control of this equipment shall be handed over to the licensee.
- h) After carrying out necessary change for effecting multi-point connection system from single point connection system, the electrical infrastructure should strictly adhere to the requirements as mentioned in point (b) of part-A above. Similarly, the responsibilities of the developer/development authority/ RWA, subsequent to the hand-over of the system to the licensee, shall be governed by respective points of part-A above
- i) Subsequent to transfer of system to the licensee, connections shall be provided to individual owners/occupiers and to RWA/developer (for common facilities) strictly in accordance with point (j) of part-A above. The load for individual connections shall be calculated as per norms are given in Annexure 4.6. Provided that the service connection charges, cost of the meter, etc. shall be borne individually by the applicant inhabitants/occupier at the time of making an application for individual electrical connection. Similarly, the service connection charges, cost of the meter, etc. for the common facility connection shall be borne by the developer/RWA. However, the system loading charges shall not be levied again as it has already been recovered.
- j) The Licensee shall complete the work of releasing the connection within the time prescribed in clause 4.7 & 4.8, as the case may be. k) The complete LT Distribution system will be approved by EE before the start of the supply of electricity by the licensee to the customers directly.
- I) At the time of installation of the meter by the Licensee, the individual consumer shall note the reading of the old meter as well as the initial reading of the new meter.
- m) The Licensee shall refund the security deposit as per the provision is given in clause 4.20. The developer/RWA, in turn, will refund this security amount to individuals
Amendment of clause 4.6(e)(ii) -
In the said Code, in clause 4.6(e)(ii) shall be substituted as follows:
4.6(e)(ii) If the work is to be done by the developer/applicant/development authority, the Licensee shall charge supervision charges (on the estimated labour cost, cost of material handling and storage/inventory, but excluding the system loading charges and the establishment costs), as a percentage of the normative estimates, specified in Cost Data Book, which shall be deposited with the licensee before work begins.
Notwithstanding the amended provision coming into effect from the date of notification, the supervision charge on the cost of material charged earlier in the estimates before this amendment shall not be refunded back.
Amendment of clause 9.3
In the said Code, in clause 9.3 ‘Service of Notices’ shall be substituted as follows:
Service of any notice on the consumer may be effected either by delivering the notice to the consumer in person by an official of the Licensee or by dispatching the notice by registered post or Courier post or by publication in daily newspaper commonly read in the concerned locality to be kept on the record by the Licensee or by E-mail or by WhatsApp message containing notice with signature of authorized officer of the licensee in PDF format. The record of the E-mail and WhatsApp message shall be kept in record by the licensee. In the case of an individual consumer, service of notice to the consumer’s spouse or his representative, and in the case of a firm, company or corporation, on the Managing Director, Director or Principal Officer or an authorised person of such a concern, shall be taken as sufficient service for the purposes of this code.
Amendment of clause 9.4
In the said Code, in clause 9.4 shall be substituted as follows:
If a consumer refuses or avoids receiving the notice, the service may be affected by
(i) E-mail or by WhatsApp message containing notice with the signature of an authorized officer of the licensee in PDF format. Provided that the record of the E-mail and WhatsApp message shall be kept in record by the licensee or
(ii)by affixing the notice at a conspicuous place on the premises of the consumer, in the presence of two witnesses or by publication in daily newspaper commonly read in the concerned locality, and in such cases an endorsement shall be made on the copy of the notice. The record showing E-mail or WhatsApp message containing notice with the signature of an authorized officer of the licensee or affixture or publication shall be deemed as sufficient for service of the notice.
Amendment of clause 4.12
In the said Code, in Annexure 4.12 clause 4.4(a) shall be substituted as follows:
All notices /intimation required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be sent in the format prescribed for in the Code. Notices may be sent by courier, registered
post/speed post, fax, personal delivery, affixation, publication in a newspaper, E-mail or WhatsApp message containing notice with the signature of an authorized officer of the licensee in PDF format. Notice shall be deemed to have been received by the Consumer on the expiry of 4 (four) days from the date of dispatch by courier mail, Post Office receipt in the case of delivery by registered and speed post or by E-mail or by WhatsApp message and in case of personal delivery simultaneous with the receipt thereof by the consumer or its employees or representative of the Consumer or in the case of publication in a newspaper simultaneous on the date of publishing of such newspaper and in the case of affixation simultaneous with the affixation of such notice at a conspicuous place of the said premises.
nishant · 13-Mar-19 · 03:03 AM
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