Revised Compounding incorporated to the Assessment Calculator
Section-152 of The Electricity Act-2003 defines the compounding amount.
Rate of compounding charges in theft of electricity has been amended on 22-Nov-2018. We have successfully incorporated the revised compounding rate in our web application - Assessment Calculator.
- If checking date is before 22-Nov-2018, Old compounding rate will be considered.
- Similarly, if checking date is after 22-Nov-2018, Revised Compounding rate will be taken into consideration.
What is the amendment in Section-152 ?
- Benefit has been given to the offenders of Load up to 1 KW.
- Compounding amount will be half, if load <= 1 KW (Except Industrial, Tube well)
- No any changes for Industrial and Tube Well Offenders
Checkout the Order Copy

Member · 12
निर्माणाधीन के लिए क्या करना सबसे उचित है।शमन और निर्धारण

nishant · 31-Dec-18 · 05:12 AM
Administrator · 223
कृपया और भी विवरण दे, जिससे आपके प्रश्न स्पष्ट हो सके।
शमन कभी भी अकेला नही होता है। निर्धारण तो जमा करना ही होता है। सिर्फ शमन लेकर निर्धारण नही छोड़ा जा सकता है।
शमन केवल कोर्ट केस की प्रक्रिया से राहत देता है।

Member · 12
hum log sir commercial charge karte hain nirmandheen per sahi hai?

Member · 12
निर्धारण two times लेने का कोई आर्डर है सर्?

nishant · 24-Jan-19 · 10:01 AM
Administrator · 223
Yes, Download 10th amendment from given link

bhagatsingh · 19-Mar-19 · 01:03 PM
Member · 1
how to calculate assessment of RAPDRP

nishant · 22-Mar-19 · 06:03 AM
Administrator · 223
Are you talking about the monthly billing assessment of RAPDRP area?
This is about calculating theft assessment? means, the penalty imposed on defaulters if caught in electricity theft.
Please elaborate your query

manve20 · 23-Mar-19 · 01:03 PM
Member · 6
सर क्या राजस्व निर्धारण दो गुना होने पर शमन शुल्क नही जमा करना होगा??

nishant · 24-Mar-19 · 05:03 AM
Administrator · 223
पूर्व में ऐसा प्रावधान था। अगर उपभोक्ता शमन जमा करते थे तो राजस्व निर्धारण एक गुणा लिया जाता था। शमन नही जमा करने की स्थिति में राजस्व निर्धारण दो गुणा लिया जाता था।
परन्तु अब, दोनो ही स्थिति में राजस्व निर्धारण दो गुणा लिया जाएगा। शमन केवल FIR वापस लेने के लिए आवश्यक है। शमन नही जमा करने पर कोर्ट केस चलता रहेगा। फिर न्यायालय द्वारा सजा सुनाया जायेगा।
उक्त नियम सितंबर 2017 से लागू है। अधिक जानकारी के लिए दसवां संसोधन देखें।
10th Amendment of supply code-2005

Member · 12
शमन और निर्धारण साथ लेने का कोई आदेश सर्

Member · 12
सर आज कल क्या हो रहा है कि 138 पर भी शमन एवम निर्धारण लेना है लेकिन ऐसा हो नही पा रहा।तमाम विसंगति है सर इस नियम में तो।

minkukhokhar · 30-Nov-19 · 06:11 PM
Member · 5
What is direct theft meaning? If any consumer have an metered connection and find use an another cable to use of theft of electricity can it considered as direct theft?

nishant · 01-Dec-19 · 07:12 AM
Administrator · 223
Once go through the 4th amendment of electricity supply code - 2005 by downloading it.
Direct theft is explained as:
“Explanation: ‘direct theft’ means where the supply is connected directly and no
meter is installed.”
Suppose, a metered consumer is having a additional cable and 2 KW AC is being connected. He must be having many other appliances running through meter. Say their load is 4 KW. If you are able to identify that only AC is being connected through extra cable, then 2 KW theft will be considered as Direct Theft. If you are confused and not able to distinguish which appliances are connected through extra cable and which one is not. Then, You need to consider all connected load of 6 KW (4 KW + 2 KW) and that will not be considered as direct theft. So, it all depends on the inspection report.

omsingh · 06-Dec-19 · 04:12 AM
Member · 1
hello nishant
kindly take note of this order copy that has specifically says that is LFHD calculation we do not required to calculate fix charge of assessed load
kindly update ur theft assessment calculator
op singh
executive engineer

nishant · 07-Dec-19 · 01:12 PM
Administrator · 223
Thank you for showing your concern sir. With due regards, I would like to tell you that LFHD is a way to assess the consumption (unit) only. It has nothing to do with fixed charges.
Assessment calculator do not calculated fixed charges for direct theft or say 135A. But, it calculates fixed charges for other sections like 126 and 135B, 135C, 135D and 135E. Fixed charges is chargable to our agreemented consumers. Please let me know If any specific order for not charging fixed charges for such consumers .

Sudhir singh · 29-Jan-20 · 07:01 PM
Member · 14
Sir.. Plz clarify.. In vigilance report no distinction of 135.. So how to judge if fixed charge is applicable or not..

rajatr33 · 12-Feb-20 · 04:02 PM
Member · 16
Once go through the 4th amendment of electricity supply code - 2005 by downloading it.
Direct theft is explained as:“Explanation: ‘direct theft’ means where the supply is connected directly and no
meter is installed.”Suppose, a metered consumer is having a additional cable and 2 KW AC is being connected. He must be having many other appliances running through meter. Say their load is 4 KW. If you are able to identify that only AC is being connected through extra cable, then 2 KW theft will be considered as Direct Theft. If you are confused and not able to distinguish which appliances are connected through extra cable and which one is not. Then, You need to consider all connected load of 6 KW (4 KW + 2 KW) and that will not be considered as direct theft. So, it all depends on the inspection report.
if total load is 6kw considerd then in assement fixcharge also include

rajatr33 · 12-Feb-20 · 05:02 PM
Member · 16
Thank you for showing your concern sir. With due regards, I would like to tell you that LFHD is a way to assess the consumption (unit) only. It has nothing to do with fixed charges.
Assessment calculator do not calculated fixed charges for direct theft or say 135A. But, it calculates fixed charges for other sections like 126 and 135B, 135C, 135D and 135E. Fixed charges is chargable to our agreemented consumers. Please let me know If any specific order for not charging fixed charges for such consumers .Example of 135A
Example of 135C
In 135c how fixcharge is calculated rs1230

rajatr33 · 12-Feb-20 · 05:02 PM
Member · 16
Helloo nishant sir is there any rule to less payment according to units he/she consumes if theft done in act 135B pls give order also
nishant · 28-Nov-18 · 07:11 PM
Administrator · 223