Understand ATR, ABR and Thru Rate


nishant · 13-Aug-19

Administrator ·  223

ATR, ABR and Thru Rate are used to indicate the per-unit rate of electricity in terms of tariff decided by the Regulator, being sold out to the consumers and revenue received. they are measured in Rs./Unit.

Let's have a look on full form of these abbreviations and its defination:

  • Average Tariff Rate (ATR) - ATR is a simple mean of the approved rate of the different categories by the regulator.
  • Average Billing Rate (ABR) - ABR is a simple mean of the per-unit rate of the consumers of different categories.
  • Through Rate (Thru Rate) - Thru Rate is used to indicate the per-unit rate at which revenue is realized.

Thru Rate = Revenue Realized/Input Energy.

There is a very slight difference in ABR and ATR. If all consumers of the different categories are billed perfectly and accurately, ABR will be the same as ATR. So, ATR is nothing but ABR (Average billing rate) with a 100% accurate billing.

ABR = Current Assessment/Billed Energy.

The aggregate technical and commercial  (AT&C) losses shall also be measured using the average billing rate (ABR) and through rate. Note that ABR should be with accurate billing for getting an accurate result.

AT&C Loss = (1-Through Rate/ ABR)x100.

Calculation of AT&C losses

Input Energy = 53 MU = 530 lacs unit
Billed Energy = 50 MU = 500 lacs  unit
Current Assessment = 4500 lacs
Revenue Realized = 4000 lacs

Method 1 : By ABR and Through Rate 
Thru Rate =4000/530 = Rs. 7.547/unit
ABR = 4500/500 = Rs. 9.00/unit

AT&C = (1-7.547/9.00)x100 = 16.14%

Method 2 : By Billing and Collection Efficiency 
Billing Efficiency = 50/53 = 0.94339
Collection Efficiency = 4000/4500 = 0.888

AT&C = (1-0.888x0.943)x100 = 16.14%

So, AT&C could be calculated by either method