New tariff incorporated in the Bill Calculator


nishant · 22-Sep-19

Administrator ·  223

As we know that new power tariff came into force in UP since 12-sept-2019. This new tariff is successfully incorporated in our web app, called Bill Calculator.
We may use the  Multi-Tariff option for Bill Revision.
. It will help us to calculate the bill with the effective tariff of the respective periods. We have implemented the tariff since 2012 for most of the categories.


Though, HV consumers are not supposed to revise from the long period. So, tariff since 2017 is available for them. Few TOD categories have dual tariff for the same financial year based on the summer-winter period. So, the multi-tariff option will not be used for them.  Only one tariff rate will be available. But, Enabling multi-tariff option for such categories will help us to use the effective tariff for that period.
For Example - H21T category is TOD billing and having a different rate for summer and winter.  So, Multiple tariffs will not be used together. But, we may calculate it separately. Suppose, New rate is effective from 12-sep-2019.  We want to revise the bill from 2-jun-18 to 1-aug-2019. If we won't enable the multi-tariff option, Bill will be calculated as per new tariff. But, the new tariff was not effective for that period. So, we need to enable the multi-tariff option so that the bill could be calculated with the previous tariff.

If we need to revise such bill from 2-jun-18 to 2-Jan-2020, we should enable the multi-tariff option and calculate them separately. Calculate the first bill from 2-jun-18 to 12-sep-19. and then from 12-sep-19 to2-Jan-2020 with arrear of the first bill.

Highlights of Electricity Tariff of FY-2019-20

  • New Category called LMV-11 is introduced for Electric Vehicle Charging Station.
  • For all DISCOMs, the regulatory surcharge of 4.8% has been removed.
  • The Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (UPERC) on Tuesday approved up to 12% increase in power tariff for various consumer categories.
  • The hike for the domestic consumer is 10-12% while industrial (heavy) consumer category has been given a tariff hike of 6-10%. For agricultural consumers, the increase is of 9%.
  • Fixed Charges has been introduced for Temporary connection also.
  • It will be Effective from 12-Sept-2019.

Download power tariff for the FY 2019-20

You may raise your query here for more clarification. Let me know if there are any issues after incorporation of the new tariff.