Different Querries related to Meter & Billing.
What are the followings in Bill.
Bill Basis- ASS
Meter Reader Remark- P, RDF
Meter Status-F,A,
(B)Hand held Unit Printout by Meter Reader & given to Customer-
The meaning of followings.
Meter Status/MF- (1) MU/1.0, (2) OK/1.0
Bill Basis-(1)MU (2) 1DF
Recorded Demand-0.0
(C)It has been observed that Meter Reader has not visited the House for Previous meter reading but in next visit the printout mention the Prev Read Date & Reading, Is it possible to enter all these from back end.
-What is the normal billing cycle.
(D) If maxm Demand Recorded for a month is 2KW, How fixed charges are Rs 247.50 & not 2@110=Rs220.00
(E) Is it possible to know the reading for a particular date/time or between a time period from meter records

nishant · 15-Jun-20 · 03:06 PM
Administrator · 223
Kindly go through the following post to know about
Bill Basis - https://bijlibabu.com/thread.php?id=72
Read Remark - https://bijlibabu.com/thread.php?id=68
Baluaghat · 07-Jun-20 · 04:06 PM
Member · 1