What is power factor leading?
What is power leading? I have heard till now power factor legging.
What is rate schedule for kvah tariff in annexure 11.1(A)5 of U. P. Electricity regulatory commission supply code 2005.
Sanjeev Garg

Sanjeev_garg · 05-Dec-19 · 01:12 AM
Member · 9
May distribution company charge for leading power factor for past period?

nishant · 05-Dec-19 · 12:12 PM
Administrator · 223
May distribution company charge for leading power factor for past period?
There are no extra charges for leading power factor if power factor is within the limit of 1 to 0.95 as per order. But, Practically, I have never seen any extra charges for power factor up to 0.9. If power factor is below 0.9, then KVAH billing automatically leads to extra charges.
You may read carefully the following page of current tariff order and download this tariff from our library

nishant · 05-Dec-19 · 12:12 PM
Administrator · 223
What is power leading? I have heard till now power factor legging.
What is rate schedule for kvah tariff in annexure 11.1(A)5 of U. P. Electricity regulatory commission supply code 2005.
Sanjeev Garg
Leading power factor is termed as capacitive power factor. If connected load is capacitive in nature and current is leads the voltage. On the other hand, Lagging power factor is termed as inductive power factor and comes into the picture with inductive load.
If motor is connected as load, it is basically a inductive load and causing lagging power factor. To nuetralize its lagging effect, it is important to install a capacitor bank. Capacitor bank must be of correct capacity to nuetralize it to unity. If installed capacitor is of higher capacity, it will have a leading power factor.
Both, leading and lagging power factor causes disturbance to the our system with same effect. But, lagging power factor is automatic effect and as if capacitor plays nuetralizing the lagging effect, and tends to unity. it is considered as good. but reasulting leading effect is as harmful as lagging.

Sanjeev_garg · 05-Dec-19 · 01:12 PM
Member · 9
Nishant Ji, thanks for your cooperation. In my matter ,recently NPCL has sent me supplementery bill of last two years, claiming that my power factor was leading and they were raising my bill on kVAh basis, so now they have raised bill of last two years on kwh basis and want difference.
But PF on bills of last 2years, is 0.90 to 0.99.
They have not given any proof of PF leading till now.

Sanjeev_garg · 05-Dec-19 · 01:12 PM
Member · 9
Nishant Ji, thanks for your cooperation. In my matter ,recently NPCL has sent me supplementery bill of last two years, claiming that my power factor was leading and they were raising my bill on kVAh basis, so now they have raised bill of last two years on kwh basis and want difference.
But PF on bills of last 2years, is 0.90 to 0.99.
They have not given any proof of PF leading till now.

Sanjeev_garg · 05-Dec-19 · 01:12 PM
Member · 9
May I talk you? your guidance to resolve this issue highly obliged.
Sanjeev Garg

nishant · 05-Dec-19 · 01:12 PM
Administrator · 223
I am out of station, may talk to you after 15th dec. You may ask them to provide your MRI report to know about your monthly power factor. Maximum they can charge Rs. 100/- to provide you a soft copy. You may share your sanctoned load.

Sanjeev_garg · 05-Dec-19 · 01:12 PM
Member · 9
My sanctioned load 100kva. What is the system of raising bill on kwh basis?

nishant · 05-Dec-19 · 02:12 PM
Administrator · 223
OK. KVAH billing is compulsory for consumers having load greater than equals to 10KW. So, you can't opt for KWH billing.
KVAH billing is beneficial if power factor is between 0.9 to 1.0. so, only try to maintain power factor within the range.
KVAH billing will increase bill only if Power factor drops beyond 0.9

Sanjeev_garg · 05-Dec-19 · 05:12 PM
Member · 9
Till now I have not understood under which law, NPCL has raised supplementery bill of last 2year blaming leading power factor and threatened to disconnect my connection, if I don't deposit the amount within 15days?
Nishant Ji, please help me regarding this matter.
Last edited by Sanjeev_garg (8 December 2019 02:57)

Sanjeev_garg · 16-Dec-19 · 02:12 PM
Member · 9
Nishant ji, I want to share consumption chart given by NPCL.
Sanjeev Garg

Sanjeev_garg · 16-Dec-19 · 02:12 PM
Member · 9
May I talk you now? Nishant ji

nishant · 17-Dec-19 · 05:12 AM
Administrator · 223
Nishant ji, I want to share consumption chart given by NPCL.
Sanjeev Garg
Yes, kindly share. You may need to upload your file at https://www.zippyshare.com/ and share the link here.
Sanjeev_garg · 05-Dec-19 · 01:12 AM
Member · 9